This API allows to get precise geographic routes for various modes of public transport.
In order to define the route you may pass names and IDs for stations or geographic coordinates. Routing can be based on different networks. While OpenStreetMap is the most common one and the one with most details in it, we also provide additional datasets that are optimized for maps of smaller scales.
The routing for MOTs of public transport uses an algorithm by Bast & Brosi (2018) that has been adapted to our needs. For pedestrian routing we use our own algorithm with contraction hierarchies for best results inside of stations and very quick response times. In order to achieve the best possible results all base data like the underlying networks or the dataset of stations undergo continuous quality control and improvements.
For more ideas please check our demo or example implementations in the guides section.
If you want to test the API, please login and create your own API-Key.
Please contact us if you want to use the API for production!
Feel free to reach out to the team via